Role of NGO for Old Age People

Saviour Foundation is a non-profit NGO that is working for the welfare and empowerment of older persons of India. Saviour Foundation has set up a network of volunteers spread across India and interacts with older persons on daily basis through its volunteers’ network. This NGO for old age homes helps emotionally and economically abused senior citizens by helping them, and live a respectable and dignified life. They have several programmers through which they try to change the social and economic conditions of the elderly. Even though their head office is in Delhi, they have a network across the country, so it should be easy for you to reach out and offer your help to them regardless of which city you are in.
In today’s fast-paced world we only start noticing signs of old age much after the gradual process is well underway.
Support & Donate Now

The purpose of life is a life of purpose. So start donating now for the special cause to NGO for old age people
One of the most neglected sections of our society is senior citizens. In our busy lives, we often forget to take out time to talk to the elders in our own homes, However, there are several NGOs in the country, which are helping old age people. Donate & support them, to do your bit. As age progresses the majority of elders find it difficult to walk and go about their daily tasks. Osteoarthritis, arthralgia, asthenia, etc. tend to take away the ease of access, as a result, elders gradually start shying away from excursions and socializing. This is a vicious cycle; lack of mobility leads to disuse atrophy and this disuse leads to lack of mobility.
The objective of the Saviour Foundation
Saviour Foundation is committed to making a coordinate effort with compassion and understanding to transform social attitude toward senior citizens. The effort is to create the infrastructure to empower, every older person to make this possible our contribution is required by NGO for old age people.
Saviour Foundation has been set up to initiate better interaction between the generations. It endeavors to:
- Bring about a change in perceptions about Old Age
- Initiate steps towards senior citizens friendly environment
- Evolve a sense of moral and social responsibility towards senior citizens
- Advocate for the needs and rights of senior citizens
- Extend a helping hand to senior citizens wherever required