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January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am


Education programs, as championed by the Saviour Foundation, are dedicated efforts to address the critical issue of education and literacy in India. Despite being a beacon of hope for the nation’s youth and children, India grapples with illiteracy and a lack of quality education. The Saviour Foundation, recognized as a leading NGO for children’s education, tirelessly strives to make the vision of universal education a reality. These programs are rooted in the belief that education is a cornerstone of progress for India, spanning from primary schooling to advanced stages of learning.

donate child education

They utilize donated funds to support a spectrum of educational initiatives, guided by the overarching goal of “education for all.” With a team of dedicated professionals, this non-profit foundation works diligently to transform the dream of education for every child into a tangible reality, thereby illuminating the path towards a brighter and more informed India.

We at Saviour Foundation a leading ngo for children education, work tirelessly to make the goal of universalization of education possible. We believe that right from primary school to later stages of education, an educated India is a progressive India.

Join Us Underprivileged Children Education Program

    Advantages Of Free Education Provided To Poor Children:

    1. Empowering Deserving Students: The foundation empowers underprivileged students by providing them access to quality education, offering opportunities for academic advancement and personal growth.
    2. Personalized Care: Saviour Foundation ensures that every student receives personalized care and support, helping them navigate through their educational journey effectively.
    3. Holistic Development: Besides formal education, the programs nurture students in various aspects, including vocational training, aiming to equip them for a secure future.
    4. Shelter and Support: The foundation not only provides education but also shelter and opportunities, transforming the lives of abandoned and underprivileged children.
    5. Family-Based Environment: Saviour Foundation creates a less institutionalized, more family-like environment for children with difficult pasts, fostering their holistic development.
    6. Brighter Futures: Through Mission Education, the foundation identifies promising students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, supporting them until they complete their higher education and aiding their career opportunities, ensuring a brighter future.

    Join Us Mission Education Program

      Saviour Foundation Holistic Approach To Empowering Underprivileged Children Through Education

      Saviour Foundation‘s commitment to education extends far beyond traditional classroom learning. With a holistic approach, the foundation focuses on not only providing academic knowledge but also nurturing the emotional, social, and vocational aspects of underprivileged children’s lives. The goal is not just to educate, but to empower and transform the future of these deserving students. By offering personalized care, shelter, and support, Saviour Foundation ensures that each child receives the guidance and opportunities needed to succeed. Moreover, the foundation’s family-based approach creates an environment that fosters a sense of belonging and encouragement for children with challenging backgrounds. Mission Education, the foundation’s flagship program, identifies potential in economically disadvantaged students, guiding them towards a brighter future. These programs light the path toward a more informed, secure, and hopeful tomorrow for India’s underprivileged children.