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Old Age Homes

Old Age Home
January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

Old Age Homes

Providing Comfort And Support For Senior Citizens

In a rapidly changing world, the concept of old age homes has gained prominence in India. This shift can be attributed to several factors, including the fading joint family system, rising living costs, and a dwindling safety net for the elderly, especially in states like Kerala. While India traditionally held strong family values, the modernization, urbanization, and increased life expectancy have led to a desire for privacy and independence.


Old age homes offer a secure and caring environment for senior citizens who may be destitute, ill, or abandoned. The reasons behind their increasing prevalence are complex. Many are opting for nuclear families, while some abandon their elders for selfish reasons. The growing cases of chronic diseases among the elderly further drive the need for such facilities.

The aims of old age homes include providing a safe living space, promoting independence, offering medical care, preventing social isolation, and fostering respect and dignity for the elderly. These facilities also help the elderly find a sense of belonging and purpose, contributing to their overall well-being.

Support Old Age Homes

    Advantages Of Old Age Homes

    • Safety and Security: Protect elderly residents from physical harm and abuse.
    •  Access to Healthcare: Provide medical care and attention for complex healthcare needs.
    • Companionship: Organize social events to reduce isolation and foster a sense of belonging.
    •  Mental and Physical Health: Support emotional and physical well-being through socialization and activities.
    • Financial Relief: Offer affordable housing and income-generating opportunities for residents.
    • Productivity and Purpose: Engage seniors in activities that help them feel productive and useful in their community

    Support Old Age Homes

      Reasons For The Increase In Old Age Homes

      1. Changing Family Structures: Shift towards nuclear families, where adult children live separately from their parents.
      2. Abandonment: Instances of children neglecting or abandoning their elderly parents for various reasons.
      3. Chronic Diseases: Rising cases of chronic illnesses among the elderly, necessitating specialized care.
      4. Financial Considerations: Elders often considered a financial burden, leading to abandonment.
      5. Vulnerable Communities: Underprivileged communities lack resources for elderly care.
      6.  Desire for Safety and Social Interaction: Seniors seek safety, socialization, and medical attention in a community.

      Support Old Age Homes

        Importance Of NGO Saviour Foundation For Old Age Homes/Senior Citizens In Delhi

        • Provide support and care to elderly residents in old age homes.
        • Offer a secure and comfortable living environment for senior citizens.
        • Ensure access to healthcare and medical services for the elderly.
        •  Promote socialization, companionship, and mental well-being.
        • Assist seniors in learning new skills and building self-confidence.
        •  Create an environment that upholds respect and dignity for the elderly.
        • Implement policies and welfare programs in favor of senior citizens.
        • Address the needs of underprivileged and vulnerable elderly populations.
        • Support older adults who may face challenges in living independently.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        Everything you need to know about Widow Women

        What is the Widow Women Help Program?

        The Widow Women Help Program is an initiative dedicated to providing support and assistance to widowed women, helping them navigate various challenges they may face after the loss of a spouse.

        Who is eligible for assistance?

        Widowed women of all ages and backgrounds are eligible for assistance through our program.

        What types of support do you offer?

        We offer a range of support services, including financial assistance, emotional counseling, skills training, access to resources, and community engagement programs.

        Are there support groups for widowed women?

        Yes, we offer support groups where widowed women can connect, share experiences, and provide mutual support.

        What are the long-term goals of your organization for widowed women?

        Our long-term goals include expanding our services, reaching more widowed women, and creating sustainable programs to enhance their well-being.